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Letter to the Hebrews 4 (10:19-39)
Speaker: Christopher Hill
Brothers and Sisters, Press On!
Few would doubt that we are living in the Last Days, and that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. Jesus, Himself, prepared His disciples to face the challenge of these days and He warned that the love of most would grow cold. We are witnessing the erosion of Biblical values, not only in society, but more seriously, in the Church itself. The pressure to compromise our faith has never been greater – and it will increase. In the face of these things, how will we stand? The letter to the Hebrews addresses this very issue. The great themes of this letter are the Supremacy of Jesus over all, and the need in the believer for true faith. It is the vision of the former which will provide us with the latter.
This is a book designed for you to really study the Bible and Chris Hill expounds the great truths of God’s Word with a lightness of touch that makes the deep things of God eminently understandable.
This is a timely study to inspire and transform. Companion of 12 recordings – The Letter To The Hebrews
It would be helpful for you to study the book in conjunction with listening to the relevant recording.
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